Thursday, April 24, 2008

Review on The Invention of Hugo Cabret

My mom and I read a book together like I read a chapter and then she reads the chapter I just read and we read The Invention of Hugo Carbret! (I would do a picture of the book but I am on a different computer! You can see the book here!)

Age: All Ages
Stars: 4 1/2
Rated: 5
Author: Brian Selznick

Natalie's Review~ I really liked the book. Hugo steels because he doesn't have any money. But then his life gets turned around with his Invention! I think his invention was very interesting and I would advise you all to read this book!
Not only is the invention cool but the whole book is cool and I think anyone would like it!

Natalie's Mom's Review~ I liked the history that was involved. I liked that the mystery that kept you guessing until the very end of the book. I like that it was a combination of picture book and novel!

I hope that our reviews will have you read this book!


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