Saturday, July 19, 2008

Collage Road Trip

Title: Collage Road Trip

By: Disney Channel

From way at the beginning when Melany was born, her dad started to plan out were she would go to collage. Her dad is the kind of dad who is really attached to her daughter and then his daughter is not very happy, that sort of thing.

Well, Melany's dad wants her to go to a collage that is only about 20 minutes away. Well, Melany has other plans, she get accepted into George-Town in D.C. She then plans to go with her friends to D.C. but her dad doesn't want to.

So they, well, Melany's dad, plans out a road trip father-daughter thing. So Melany goes along but doesn't like it at all! Her dad needs to realize that she isn't a little girl anymore and that her dad needs to trust her.

This movie has a good moral and a very happy ending! I encourage you all to watch this Disney Channel Movie!

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