Monday, May 5, 2008

Review on Nancy Drew (the movie)

Age: 8+
Stars: 4 (I would give it 5 but, Nancy's friends' clothes were a little immodest, but I thought Nancy's were BEAUTIFUL!!!!)

It's about the all-known detective Nancy Drew!!! It is kinda scary in some part where you hold your breath wondering what will happen next, then you let it all out because that part is over. I hope you really enjoy it!!


Also, I would like to thank Joy who took me to see it at the library AND bought it for my birthday!!! Thanks soo much Joy!!! Cause, without you...this post would never be here :)


Natalie said...

I really liked that movie!


Anonymous said...

Ah! Her wardrobe was my favorite part of the movie! (almost)


Katie and Elizabeth said...


Nancy's clothes were BEAUTIFUL but...her friends...eww!!


Joy Headphones said...

well, im glad you liked it lizzy! is it your fave movie now????? you like o talk about it so much! lol! and yes, nancys clothes were cute (and her "friends", for the most part, were ugly!)post on my blog!
