Thursday, June 5, 2008

Review of Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

Title: Twilight

Author: Stephenie Meyer

Stars: 5

Pages: 498


This book is a young adult book and is very good! It is about this vampire family who only lives on animal's blood. Then one day, Edward, (one of the vampires) meats Bella Swan. They fall in love with each other!

There is only one scary part in the book. And for me it wasn't really scary! I really liked this book and I would have you read it! I am going to start the next book,"New Moon" probably tomorrow!
Also, they do say the "D" word a couple of times and h** is said once. And there is also a couple of kisses through out the book.! Also, if you are a fan of these books like I am, they are making a movie!


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