Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer

Title: Eclipse

Author: Stephenie Meyer
Stars: 5!!!!

I LOVE this book! LOVE IT! If you have read these books who do you like more, Jacob or Edward? I LOVE Edward. Who do you think Bella should end up with? I can't really decide because I like both of them! I can't wait until the next book comes out!

Edward feels so bad for what happened in the last book, Bella is looking forward to become a vampire, and of course, Edward can wait because he wants Bella to stay human. In the first book, Twilight, you all know about, James who tried to bite and kill Bella, and his mate, Victoria. Well, in this book, Victoria wants to kill Bella. She makes a whole group of new born vampires!! BAD THING!

When they are new, they are very strong. Victoria and the new vampires attack the Cullens. Well, not JUST the Cullens, the werewolves join up with the Cullens!

At the end of the book Bella finds out that she is in love with both, Jacob and Edward. Who will she pick? And also, Edward asks her to marry him, what does she say?

Read this book to find out!

They said, the "D" word and there is also some kisses.

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