Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Smallpox Strikes!

Smallpox Strikes!: Cotton Mather's Bold Experiment (The American Adventure Series #7)

Ages: 8+
Author: Norma Jean Lutz
Stars: 10
Series: The American Adventure Series

Before Robert Allerton was even born, his father, Robert Allerton, went off to fight in Queen Anne's War. Robert was born to Mary Allerton after his father died. When Rob was about 3 or 4 he went to live with his mom (Mary) who married Josiah Foy. (Which is Robert's step dad.)

*But, what I just told you above was from the last book, Danger in the Harbor*

Here's from the book, Smallpox Strikes!

A deathly epidemic sweeps Boston with smallpox. But, Reverend Mather and a Doctor (who is Robert's close friend) finds a cure to it! People think they are CRAZY! The cure is called a inoculation (that's very confusing to explain.) Some people get it and they are sick with the smallpox for a little bit, but then they eventually get better. (You see, the inoculation is like a shot so, once you get the smallpox and you are cured, you never get it again during that epidemic.)

Robert desperately wants to have the inoculation. Meanwhile, Josiah Foy is trying to convince Mary that she needs to leave so that she will not get sick! Josiah said if you leave i'll give you whatever you want. So, she said, I will go if you have Robert inoculated! Oh boy! Josiah is VERY against these!!! But, he was Robert inoculated under Mary's wishes. So, Robert gets the inoculation and he gets better. Soon, Josiah and Thomas (Josiah's son from his first marriage where his wife died). come down with the smallpox. Will Josiah and Thomas ever get better? You'll have to find out!

I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THESE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


1 comment:

Katie said...

How many of them have you read?
